• Working together towards a better future since 1975


To ensure promoting healthy lives and human rights of community people through promotional activities, BEES introduced an individual program titled “Social Safety Net Program” in this year. Previously, the activities of social safety net were inbuilt in other programs. With the objective to raise awareness on MCH-FP, nutrition, education, food, human rights, covid 19 awareness and other social issues, the concerned program personnel are planning and implementing different activities giving emphasize the program as an individual program. The target beneficiaries are group members of MF program and other community people of the working areas.

Bangladesh is prone to natural disasters; therefore, emergency response is critical here. The special programs are made for managing natural disaster emergencies. Having 45 years of experience in emergency response, BEES can initiate restoration and recovery programs fast, efficiently, and effectively. Recently, Bangladesh has been experiencing more frequent and severe natural disasters.  This is why BEES moved beyond relief and rehabilitation into institutionalized preparedness, risk reduction, and proper management as a long term strategy.

Goal: Promote healthy lives and human rights of community people through promotional activities.

Objective: Raise awareness on MCH-FP, nutrition, education, food, human rights, awareness on epidemic & pandemic diseases and other social issues.

Target beneficiaries: Group members of microfinance program and other community people of working area including school, madrasa & youth club.

Working area: Current working area of BEES intervention.