• Working together towards a better future since 1975


The economy of Bangladesh mainly depends on agriculture. In 2017-2018, the agricultural sector contributed about 14.10% and in 2018-2019, the sector contributed 13.46% of Gross Domestic Product (BBS 2017-18 & BBS 2018-2019). The cultivable land is being reduced every year due to industrialization and urbanization. Due to fertile land and almost favorable climatic condition, the country is perfect for agricultural farming, though sometimes flash flood, cyclone and drought makes it vulnerable.
Proper initiative is required to take for enhancing the agricultural productivity to meet up the demand of high population of the country. Alternatively, social forestry can be identified as a tool for bringing about ecological and socio economic improvements, as well as alleviating poverty in Bangladesh. Large numbers of trees produce large amount of biomass and ultimately mitigates the effect of climate change.
BEES has been implementing the Agriculture program since 1975. It facilitates farmers to overcome the obstacles in the agriculture field through promoting crop diversification, technology transfer and improved farming practices.

Background and Purpose

BEES started agriculture program with the objective to ensure easy access to the farmers in their daily requirements of agricultural products besides economically self-reliant in agriculture. Later, community forestry program was incorporated to mitigate the adverse effect of climate change.
Goal: Ensure food security, increase income & develop environmental condition through production of various agro-crops by target producers.
Objective: To enhance the economic security and nutritional wellbeing through promoting organic farming applying the vermicompost and other organic manures.

Specific objectives:

i) To grow multiple climate resilient vegetables and other agro-crops among the target farm families in the working area.
ii) To produce vermicompost by selected target people for increasing their income and employment creation
iii) To provide training to target producers/entrepreneurs for improving their knowledge and skills to undertake different IGAs by them.
iv) To conduct different types of agro-demonstration at the project working area for transferring technology to the farmers and other relevant stakeholders.
v) To adopt sustainable agro-technology by the producers/entrepreneurs for improving their livelihood.

Target beneficiaries:

Poor, marginal and small farmer in the program area.
Working area: Polashbari upazila of Gaibandha, Pirgacha upazila of Rangpur and South Sunamgonj upazila of Sunamgonj district.